Seagate Wealth - Financial Blog

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Image showing cartoon man with pension statement face on a clock - Independence Day Election 4th July

4th July Independence Day or Showdown Day?

What could the general election in the UK mean for British people living in Spain? The date is set as the 4th July. The same day as US Independence Day. Whilst political party views change over time, historically, changes to the party in charge in Number 10 have not been as great as people believe. […]

Image from pixabay representing investment trusts for blog article

Investment Trusts

The investment trusts that could beat savings rates by paying 5%-plus dividends. Investors had a tough time working out how to make money in 2023. Uncertainty over the global economy and continuing geopolitical tensions meant that for many the prospect of stock market investing proved very much hit and miss. Ironically, backing shares paid off […]

The Well-being of Financial Advice - image from Pixabay showing jar of coins and plants growing out.

The Well-Being Benefits of Financial Advice

When you first seek financial advice, your goal may be to grow your wealth and to consider tax implications. A financial planner can provide support in these areas, but the benefits could have a much larger effect on your life and wellbeing. A survey conducted by Hymans Robertson (HRIS) in the UK asked people what […]