Image showing cartoon man with pension statement face on a clock - Independence Day Election 4th July

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4th July Independence Day or Showdown Day?

What could the general election in the UK mean for British people living in Spain?

The date is set as the 4th July. The same day as US Independence Day.

Whilst political party views change over time, historically,  changes to the party in charge in Number 10 have not been as great as people believe. Think privatisation started by the Conservatives continued by Labour.  Compulsory workplace pensions started under Labour continued under the Conservatives.

Therefore with a bit of crystal ball gazing, we thought we’d take a look at some of the policies from the Conservatives and Labour to see what this could mean for us living in Spain. We have focused on pensions.

Labour has committed to maintaining the triple lock for state pensions and so the state pension should continue to grow with earnings inflation whatever happens. Neither party is too keen to discuss future state pension age increases though. The current state pension age is due to rise to 68 by 2046.

With the election being timed for early summer with most students off travelling or not yet registered at their new rental and people with young families taking advantage for cheaper school holiday-free travel could this be the perfect time to accelerate this state pension age increase?  Maybe with a sweetener for the 60s women campaign?

Labour has pledged to reinstate the Lifetime Allowance limit on pensions that the Conservatives scrapped recently. For the average non-government pension holder this will have less of an impact. However, it did lead to many doctors taking early retirement whilst in force leading to a shortage in this area.

The added complications involved may make it difficult for them to bring this back in reality. The annual allowance for contributions could be the area they look at instead.

Whatever happens now is the time to take a look at what pensions mean for you.

If you have a pension and would like to talk over your plans with me, then call me on 602 665 795 or send me an email:

Alternatively, why not ask Chantelle to arrange a call back and we’ll ring you?