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The Well-Being Benefits of Financial Advice

When you first seek financial advice, your goal may be to grow your wealth and to consider tax implications. A financial planner can provide support in these areas, but the benefits could have a much larger effect on your life and wellbeing.

A survey conducted by Hymans Robertson (HRIS) in the UK asked people what the benefits of financial advice were. Some of the additional results identified in the survey may surprise you.

Improve your peace of mind

By talking to a qualified financial adviser, you can rest assured that your pensions and savings recommended consider your full financial circumstances.

Fiona KeoghFiona Keogh is happy to share her European Financial Planner (EFP) certificate to show that she is qualified to advise in the EU and is Level 6 qualified, which covers all the knowledge required to provide clients with the highest level of service.

Reduce the time spent managing your finances

Only one point of call rather than lots of different product providers often in a different country with call centres.

Access the information you need to make decisions

Being able to speak to somebody face to face makes decisions easier.

Help you cut through financial jargon

This is not always easy in the financial services industry. At Seagate we try and make pensions and investments as easy to understand as possible.

Help avoid short-term thinking

To create an effective financial plan, you need to think long term and reflect this in the decisions you make. But that can be easier said than done at times.

Take investing, for example. When the market is experiencing volatility or the value of your investments falls, it’s common for investors to consider changing their strategy. However, when you look at long-term trends, sticking to your strategy to ride out the ups and downs often makes financial sense.

Having someone you can speak to about your concerns before you act can reduce bias and knee-jerk decisions that might affect your long-term plans. Working with a financial planner could help you assess your options carefully and decide what is right for you.

If you are thinking of investing and would like to talk over your plans with me, then call me on 602 665 795 or send me an email:

Alternatively, why not ask Chantelle to arrange a call back and we’ll ring you?