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Investment Trusts

The investment trusts that could beat savings rates by paying 5%-plus dividends.

Investors had a tough time working out how to make money in 2023.

Uncertainty over the global economy and continuing geopolitical tensions meant that for many the prospect of stock market investing proved very much hit and miss.

Ironically, backing shares paid off despite the worries. Nonetheless, the temptation to take money out of the stock market and put it into high interest savings accounts was strong.

Meanwhile, looking at the bigger picture, investing in the stock market has been proven to be the best path to accumulating long-term wealth.

As markets hope for interest rate reductions in 2024, investors will be starting to think about how to invest for income and capital growth over the long term.

Enter investment trusts – and as savings rates dip, these are looking more attractive.

Why investment trusts?

Investment trusts are a popular way for investors to get exposure to stock markets for all kinds of reasons.

They are easy to buy and sell, especially through an online investment platform.

They are managed by an investment manager steeped in market knowledge, hold a range of stocks (diversifying risk) and are not too greedy when it comes to charges.

These investment trusts offer access to equities in a wide range of regions and sectors from the UK and across the globe including commodities, infrastructure, and biotechnology.

If this sounds daunting, then help is at hand with the friendly and knowledgeable team at Seagate Wealth. Our team of advisers are on hand to discuss your requirements, explain the whole investment process and give you enough information for you to be able to make the right decision for where to invest your hard-earned money.

If you are thinking of investing and would like to talk over your plans with me, then call me on 602 665 795 or send me an email:

Alternatively, why not ask Chantelle to arrange a call back and we’ll ring you?